Red Poison-Dart Frog | Isla Bastimentos, Panama, 2014

Here are various shots of the spectacular Red Poison-Dart Frog (apparently actually a color morph of the Strawberry poison-dart frog). This spectacularly coloured, small – they only grow up to a maximum of about 25mm or 1 inch in length – morph is found only on the Bastimentos island in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago in Panama. Several frogs can be seen in the pictures, which can be differentiated by the unique patterns on their back. Finding them was a bit of a challenge, as they’re so small and remain largely stationary, but, luckily, we were able to find several of them 🙂 Red Frog Beach on Bastimentos is called after these frogs, but we never got around to visiting it, though apparently they’re not always found at that beach. Instead, these were taken near the main town of Isla Bastimentos.

More shots from Panama to follow… And as always, comments welcomed 🙂

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